An important consideration when choosing a career path is the relevant skills needed for success. While many people may weigh hard skills as more relevant than soft skills, giving both equal attention can be beneficial.

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between soft skills and hard skills, and how to choose which ones to focus on.

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What Are Hard Skills?

Hard skills are technical skills that usually involve certification or years of experience. These are all the skills that are more traditional, teachable, or trainable.

Here are some hard skills examples:

    • Editing skills
    • Foreign language proficiency
    • Data visualization
    • Graphic design
    • Computer programming or IT skills
    • Machine operating skills
    • Accounting or bookkeeping skills
    • Statistical data analysis skills
    • Video production skills
    • SEO marketing skills
    • Database management skills
    • Project management skills

Apart from these job skills, hard skills can also include specific skill sets. For example, knowing how to use certain programs like Microsoft Excel, Java, Quickbook, or Adobe Photoshop are hard skills.

In the past, prospective employers would only really consider an applicant’s hard skills. These days though, more and more employers see the value in soft skills.


What Are Soft Skills?

Soft skills refer to skills that are transferable to most work contexts. It refers to personal habits, personality traits, interpersonal behaviors, and social skills that can impact your work.

Here are a few examples of soft or transferable skills:

    • Communication skills
    • Attention to detail
    • Organization skills
    • Dependability
    • Teamwork or collaboration skills
    • Active listening skills
    • Creativity
    • Empathy
    • Adaptability or flexibility
    • Perseverance
    • Patience
    • Critical thinking
    • Analytical reasoning
    • Time management
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Leadership skills
    • Other interpersonal skills

Soft skills are more than people skills. In many ways, your soft skills will show employers what you value. Regardless of what task you’re assigned to, you take these soft skills with you.


hard and soft skills

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: What’s the Difference?

Hard skills tell your employers WHAT you can do, but soft skills will give them an idea of HOW you do it. There are two main differences between hard and soft skills:

    • How you measure them
    • How you learn them

There’s always clear evidence of hard skills. It’s easier to determine if someone possesses a hard skill.

Evidence of hard skills can come in the form of a diploma, certificate, or work samples. In some cases, companies go the extra mile and administer tests for certain skills during the recruitment process.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are harder to measure. It’s more difficult to find evidence proving that you have a key soft skill. This is why employers sometimes ask for letters of recommendation. People you’ve worked with can give them useful feedback about your soft skills.

People acquire hard skills by going to school, taking short courses, or apprenticing. There’s no one way to learn more soft skills though.

Others believe that some people are naturally inclined to have certain soft skills, but this doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with your natural tendencies. There’s always room for improvement, and everyone can benefit from new hard and soft skills.

How Do You Choose a Career Path with Your Hard and Soft Skills?

Everyone has a unique set of hard and soft skills. Pairing your skill set with your interest narrows down your career options. They address three very important questions:

    • What am I good at?
    • How do I get my work done?
    • What do I enjoy doing?

Remember, an important precursor to landing your dream job is knowing what it is. Your answers to these questions can launch your exploration of different industries.

If you go by interest alone, you may be disregarding your hard-earned skills and natural strengths. Having skills that are in line with a certain career path also saves you a lot of time and resources.

How Do Hard and Soft Skills Impact Your Career Path?

A specific set of hard skills can land you a job, but your soft skills will have an impact on your level of success in any given role. More often than not, soft skills are what sets a good employee apart.

So, if you’re having trouble getting a position that you believe you’re qualified for, then you may want to start thinking about your soft skills. Perhaps there are some practical aspects of a particular position that you haven’t considered.

Here’s some food for thought: it’s easier for employers to train people to learn new hard skills. There isn’t a short course that’ll magically teach you how to have a strong work ethic. So make sure to invest time and effort in developing your soft skills


hard and soft skills

Which Do Employers Value More?

The skills employers value are both hard and soft skills. In most cases, human resources will short-list job seekers based on their hard skills. But if all they look at is hard skills, then a lot of prospective employees will seem identical.

That’s when soft skills enter the picture. Once the hiring manager knows that you have the know-how to do the job, they now have to consider how well you’re going to fit in the company culture. Your soft skills will clue them in on this.

Your ability to succeed in any workplace will depend on a combination of hard and soft skills. So prospective employers will usually inquire about both during the recruitment process.

Most employers want well-rounded people in their team. Being technically excellent is important, but it’s just as important to know how to work with others.

Just check out the job description in the wanted ads. Hiring managers will usually include a good mix of soft and hard skills.

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hard and soft skills

How Do You Capitalize on Your Hard and Soft Skills?

It’s important to update your resume and cover letter in your job application to showcase both your hard and soft skills. You can start with your formal education, technical expertise, or specific training programs you’ve completed. This’ll speak of your hard skills.

You can add in your soft skills when you write about your professional experience. Add short descriptions of how you handled each job title that you’ve previously held.

You may also hire a certified professional resume writer to help you write effective resumes and cover letters for your job applications. They can also give you guidance on how to highlight your hard and soft skills in the skills section of your resume.

It doesn’t end with your resume though, make sure that you highlight your skills in an interview setting as well. Link your previous work accomplishments with both your hard skills and soft skills.

You may use the STAR method during the interview process, which refers to a technique of responding to behavioral interview questions by explaining the Situation, Task, Action, and Result of the scenario being discussed. This method helps you provide concrete examples of how you used your different skills in past work experiences.

Pro Tip: It’s good practice to submit different versions of your resume for each position you’re applying for. Different positions and companies will have different priorities. Make sure to highlight the other skills that are valued by the company.

How Do You Develop Hard and Soft Skills?

It’s important to keep learning new hard and soft skills. If you want to succeed in any industry, professional development is never-ending.

For instance, if you wish to learn foreign languages, there are numerous online courses and language exchange programs that you can try!

Similarly, if you’re looking to develop soft skills, there are workshops and certifications out there. For example, if you want to develop leadership skills, then you may want to look into taking a class or attending a seminar. This way, you’ll get to learn more about the practical aspects of leadership and gain an in-depth understanding of the topic.

You may also want to join professional organizations related to your industry. This’ll give you access to a network of experts who can share their knowledge with you and even offer advice as you progress in your career.

You see, it’s never too late to start learning new things, so don’t be afraid to take chances if they present themselves! With enough dedication and practice, you can develop both your hard and soft skills. You may just surprise yourself with what you’re able to accomplish!

Pro Tip: Avoid negative self-talk and try to be more constructive. For example, instead of thinking “I’m such a screw-up for missing that deadline”, try “I’m going to manage my time better so I won’t have to ask for an extension next time.”


hard and soft skills

How Do You Choose a Career Path with Your Hard and Soft Skills?

Choosing a career path can be hard, but with enough research and exploration, you can find the perfect job for you.

This why it’s important to have long-term goals. Your long-term career goals will inform your professional development.

What do you need to learn to get from point A to point B? List these skills down and the different avenues you can take to learn them.

These days, there are many ways to learn new hard skills. Here are a few examples:

    • Self-education: With all the resources online, it’s possible to learn things on your own.
    • Mentorship: Find someone more skilled in your office who’s willing to provide some hands-on training.
    • Formal training: You can always try the traditional route of enrolling in a course or training program

Oftentimes, it’s easier to identify hard skills. As you progress in your career though, you’re going to need to work on your soft skills as well.

If it seems too abstract, try connecting with someone who’s achieved a career that you’re interested in. Ask them about the soft skills they needed to use to thrive in their career.

Then, make your own soft skills list and reflect. Remember that developing the right soft skills often starts with self-reflection. Is there anything you need to work on? Be open to feedback, and be open enough to try new strategies and habits at work.

Pro Tip: It’s important to choose a company that values its employees’ professional development and emotional intelligence. These companies often have good mentorship programs and invest in employee training.

Final Thoughts

Hard and soft skills are essential for career success. Understanding the difference between them will help you identify areas of improvement and make better decisions in your job search.

It’s important to be proactive with learning new hard and soft skills, as well as maintaining a balance between working hard and taking time off. Reflection plays an important role in developing both your hard and soft skills, so take some time each day to reflect on how you can improve yourself professionally.

If you’re looking for a company that prioritizes personal and professional development, visit The Virtual Hub today! We offer a wide range of job opportunities, career development resources, and supportive mentorships. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving your career dreams!


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